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Habib Bin Tofajjal

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  • WireGuard is a lightweight, fast, open source program and VPN protocol.
  • CloudFlare WARP is a VPN service that is provided by CloudFlare that uses WireGuard. WARP can fix many routing issues, increase page load times and in some cases increase speeds to certain servers due to better routing. It isn’t suitable for all Internet Connections as some ISPs have terrible routing to CloudFlare but in many cases it can actually help.
  • CloudFlare WARP+ is the premium version of WARP with better routing and speeds compared to regular CloudFlare WARP.
  • CloudFlare WARP can be installed easily from Play Store/App Store on Android/iOS but unfortunately CloudFlare doesn’t have any official application for Windows/MacOS/Linux. However, you can still run WARP on Desktops by creating WireGuard config of WARP with unofficial programs. This is what we will be doing in this guide, do keep in mind that this is an unofficial method and may stop working anytime.
  • Also consider paying for CloudFlare WARP+ subscription on Play Store/App Store if you want to use it long term, at the time of writing, WARP+ is only Rs. 69/month , way cheaper than nearly all full VPN providers
  • WARP+ isn’t a tool for hiding you IP Address. Infact, CloudFlare will rewrite your tunnel IP with actual IP when using CloudFlare sites, don’t use this as a tool for doing hiding IP Address, there are several proxies and VPN services available for that.
  • WARP+ isn’t a privacy tool either, CloudFlare can see all the sites you visit if you use WARP same as with most other VPN. It depends on how much you trust CloudFlare to not sell or give your data or logs to anyone.

This is an updated guide on how to setup Cloudflare WARP on your PC using wgcf and WireGuard:

1. Download WireGuard from Installation - WireGuard . As this guide will be for Windows, download the Windows 32bit or 64bit version of Wireguard depending on which version of Windows you have.

Here is the direct link if you are lazy
64 Bit:
32 Bit:

Do keep in mind that this are the links to latest versions when I wrote this. If you are reading this in the future there may be newer versions of Wireguard available.

2. Now you must install Wireguard using the setup you downloaded earlier, you must have an Administrator Windows account to install Wireguard.
3. WireGuard window should look like this after install.

Next you have to download wgcf application in order to generate the WARP+ Configuration which you could use with WireGuard.

5. You have to download the latest wgcf executable from the following link:
Releases · ViRb3/wgcf

As of the time of writing this, 1.0.6 is the latest version of wgcf. Unfortunately, 1.0.6 seem to have issues with IPv6. So, we will be installing 1.0.5 version of the same. However, when a newer version comes out, IPv6 should work. Here is direct link to 1.0.5:
64 Bit:
32 Bit:

Now that we have wgcf downloaded, we will execute this file to register and generate the config we need for WireGuard.

To make it easier for commands later, we will rename this file we downloaded to wgcf.exe from wgcf_1.x.x_windows_x.exe . You can do this in File Explorer.

6. Open Command Prompt, you can do this by hitting Windows Key+R and then typing in cmd in run and press Enter.

Now we have the Command Prompt open, we will cd to Downloads folders (which I’m assuming is where you have the wgcf downloaded). However, if you have it downloaded in some other directory cd to there instead.


7. Now, we will run the wgcf executable we downloaded earlier. You will need to run multiple commands which you can copy paste easily.
wgcf.exe register
When you run this, it’ll ask if you agree to CloudFlare terms and conditions, you can go to the URL provided and read it if you want. To accept, we will press Enter key.

It should look something like this:

Now that we have created our WARP account, we will need to generate the configuration we can use with WireGuard.

7.1. Optional step, if you already have a WARP+ Paid account, you can use the Key from app and use it with wgcf.

a. Click on the Hamburger menu on App on top right


b. Click on account

c. Click on Key
d. Click on Key again and copy it and send it to yourself by email or whatsapp/telegram so that you can use it on wgcf.

e. Now, go to wherever you downloaded the wgcf executable earlier, in my case it’s the Downloads folder

f. Now let’s edit wgcf-account.toml with Notepad

g. We only need to change the license key, you can simply get rid of generated license key and replace it with the License Key from App we copied in d th step.
h. Save the file and open Command Prompt Again
I. cd to where you have the wgcf.exe (in my case Downloads) like we did in 6th main step.
j. Type in wgcf.exe update
Now, it should say Account Type: Unlimited instead of Account Type: Free


Now you can follow the rest of numbered instructions.

8. Now that we have registered the account in 7th step (or used own license key in 7.1th step), we will Generate the WireGuard Config file with wgcf.exe generate


9. Now we should have three files in the folder where we had wgcf.exe in

10. We need to import the wgcf-profile.conf to Wireguard. Click on the “Import Tunnels from file” button on Wireguard application.

Navigate to wherever you had the wgcf.exe , in my case it’s the Downloads folder.

Click on the Open button

11. The config file is now imported, you can press Activate button to start the WARP+. It should say "Active" in status.

12. Lets check if its working properly,

Go to Google and type in ‘My IP’, it should show an IP that is 8.x.x.x. Do keep in mind that sites that use Cloudflare as DDoS protection will show your real IP as CloudFlare rewrites the IP when accessing these sites. Google doesn’t use CloudFlare so it shows tunnel IP.

13. WARP+ supports IPv6 over IPv4, so this means IPv6 sites should work, though as I said earlier 1.0.6 version of wgcf has problems with IPv6 but as we are using 1.0.5 it should work.
Lets open ipv6.google.com to check:

If you type in “My IP’ in search of ipv6.google.com it’ll show your IPv6 address:


That’s it you can disconnect anytime by using ‘Deactivate’ button Wireguard application.

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